Hard Fuck BLACK ARISU - The idolmaster Riding
(C92) [bolze. (rit.)] BLACK ARISU (アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ) [英訳]
#400044 - As he drones on an on,all she’s thinking s ‘I got to get across, Brit is waiting for me!’ To make matters worst the motherfucker is escorting me back into the US along with some whore helper! Releasing me when their counterpart from the American side shows up “Just go to an embassy and fill out the proper paperwork and you’ll be granted access with no problem!” Turning to return “Hey Kev! how’s the wife?” Like you give a shit! Walking out onto the drive up, a guy with nice arms notices me and my bad mood. Grant seeing her like that helps her find her clothes then helps her across the pile and through the other farm. Making a dash she up onto the piles of skids “Look i’m sorry but i really need to get into Canada!” “No problem beautiful, you can go on your merry way once we had our merry way with you!” “Lay a hand on me and i’ll scream rape!” Johnny jumps up joining her on the skids “Go right ahead, my momma always told me you can’t get into trouble for telling the trut