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#157036 - He pulls out and forces me to suck and stroke his cock, milking his cum and then instructs me to show him before I swallow it all, and then thank him. I show him all of it, playing with it and loving the way it tastes and the warmth down my throat as I swallow, looking up at him, Thank you sir. He thrusts once, all the way in and then stops me.

Read Dotado Maguwae! Fukunokami Mom Maguwae! Fukunokami

Most commented on Dotado Maguwae! Fukunokami Mom

Doremy sweet
Hey i never expected to see that meme actually brought up on the hub you have blessed the rest of my like 15 minute day before i go to sleep
Mcgillis fareed
If you wanna do this with me check out my profile