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#318153 - Instead, hastily throwing off my own briefs, I crouched between his legs and focussed my attention around the base of his penis, where his testicles lay amidst a thick bed of dark ginger hair, themselves just lightly covered in softer curls of contrasting gold, like two golden eggs in a nest. My tongue entered his hole in teasing exploration and he let out a gasp, “Oh fuck, yes! I love that!” My nose was now buried beneath his balls, those two ‘golden eggs’, inhaling the scents of his body, as my tongue probed and played in and around his anus, while my hand grasped his solid tool, pulling his foreskin back and forth across its swollen head. I was certain he had seen me, so if he changed his mind, he knew where I was.

Read Doggystyle Pantsu Jou no Mono wo Haita mama Shugi Casero Pantsu Jou no Mono wo Haita mama Shugi

Most commented on Doggystyle Pantsu Jou no Mono wo Haita mama Shugi Casero

Retsu seiba
Quiero q me montes la verga asi richelle ryan
Eriko tamura
Every all womans are wetting watching this bull fucking all those beautiful womans he is the new god of sex
Alexis rhodes
Maybe you should listen to some emo songs